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We, the drowned - Audio walk in Marstal

Carsten Jensen's great novel about the sailors of Marstal and their bereaved families comes to life in Marstal's narrow alleys, along the harbour and the beach.

We, the Drowned is a story about absent fathers and widows left behind; about gloomy forecasts of the future and the shared history that makes it possible to believe in a future after all; about war and the sea, both of which threaten to wash devastatingly over the kilometre-long pier off Marstal once again.

Since Carsten Jensen's novel was published in 2006, travelling readers from all over the world have come to Marstal to see the places described in the book - now BaggårdTeatret is doing a site-specific, dramatised audiowalk in Marstal with some of Denmark's best actors in the roles and Carsten Jensen himself as narrator. He welcomes you at the ferry landing and leads the audience through the town, where we experience the story right where it takes place - leading us in and out of the fiction.

Download the BaggaardTeatret app and watch We, the Drowned from the premiere on 27 April 2024.