yard | Vadehavscentret
© Vadehavscentret  Foto: Colin Seymour

Wadden Sea Centre - The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage

The Wadden Sea -The Gate to UNESCO World Heritage. The Migratory Birds Wadden Sea.

The Wadden Sea - National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Wadden Sea Centre is located right by the Wadden Sea, which is Denmark's largest, flattest and wettest National Park.
It is a unique natural area in Denmark, which was named a National Park in 2010.

But the Wadden Sea is not only unique in Denmark - it has World Heritage status. Altogether, the waders stretch 500 km along the Danish, German and Dutch coast. The dynamic landscape, the biological richness and the many migratory birds make the area something completely unique.

The Wadden Sea Centre's 1,000 m2 exhibition is a journey through the landscape of the Wadden Sea seen through the area's millions of migratory birds. You get close to the world of birds, which is usually far away. You enter the great flocks of birds, feel them and travel on with them. The Wadden Sea Centre's exhibition "The Wadden Sea - 15 million migratory birds on the journey" is an aesthetic, adventurous and incredible exhibition about the Wadden Sea and the world of migratory birds.
These are experiences with knowledge and therefore the visitor center for UNESCO World Heritage is a good place to start when visiting the Wadden Sea and the National Park. See more at vadehavscentret.dk

The center is a great place for a family experience, for the school class on a trip or companies that want to meet in a different setting.
The visit can be combined with a trip to the Wadden Sea either through our large tour program or by ordering your own tour.


Dogs are allowed, but not in the café


140 DKK

Children (4-13 years)

50 DKK

Group tours for 20 persons, adults

112 DKK

Group tours for 20 persons, children

40 DKK

Season pass, adult

250 DKK

Season pass, children

95 DKK

Benefit Card

Rabat op til 20%

Be Happy Pass

Gratis Safaristicker til børn

Dogs allowed (Hund er tilladt, men ikke i caféen)

Packed lunch permitted (i overdækket madpakkerum)

Coach park

Possibility for active participation

Activities for children

Living history

Museum shop/Kiosk


Natural science museum

Saint Hannes Cross

Longitude: 8.669061

Latitude: 55.295765

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