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The seamark in Kærgaard
The seamark at Kærgaard was built in 1885, and protected in 1997. The sea mark is at Kærgård Strand, which is a beautiful sandy beach between Børsmose and Henne Strand. Right next to the sea mark, there are parking spaces, which allow you to stand on top with a view of the roaring North Sea.
Kærgård Båke
6 km south of Henne Beach.
Pos. 55°41´34,58´´N 8°9´23,27´´E
Height 11 meters
Erected in 1885
Protected since 1997
In januar 1895 a white lantern was built, which can be seen from all 360 degrees. In the following years, this light was lit from late autumn to late spring, until 1939, when the light changed to red. In 1978 the light fixture on this båke was taken down.