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Rønninge | Viking finds
In the porch of Rønninge Church is a runestone - the only preserved one from East Funen!
In the porch of Rønninge Church is a runestone - the only preserved one from East Funen!The text on the stone reads: "Sote set this stone after his brother Elev, son of Asgot with the red shield", and the stone has had a bit of a tumultuous existence. When it was recorded in 1627, it sat in a stone bridge, but according to tradition was supposed to have been moved there from a mound.The stone then disappeared again, but appeared in 1853 when a house in Kerteminde was demolished.It was then used again as a foundation stone in another building, but later removed and placed in the old cemetery in Kerteminde.In the end it ended up in Rønninge Kirke, where you can see it today.