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Middelalderruten - Bicycle route around Kolding

Jordrup - Lunderskov - Stepping

The medieval route is an attractive ride along narrow country roads. Originating in the Hærvejen road, this route was part of the transport route for cattle in the Middle Ages – from Jutland meadows to European cities. The route takes you past Jordrup, a small village with barely 570 inhabitants. In 1997, the town was nominated ‘Village of the Year’, and this event has been commemorated with an iron sculpture in the main street. The route offers lovely views over the surrounding fields, and at Lejrskov you can see the many grave mounds dotting the landscape around the town.

In Lunderskov, we find Drabæk Mill, said to be the oldest business in Denmark – it has been operating under the same name since around 1100. In 1553, the mill was built as a royal watermill at the old customs border between the royal kingdom and the duchy of Slesvig. In recent times, the mill became famous for grinding Prince Joachim’s grain to flour to be used in the Schackenborg bread. Today, the mill is no longer in operation. It is privately owned and can be viewed from the outside. Lunderskov is one of the railway hubs in South Jutland, so you can catch a train if the ride is taking its toll on your legs.


1. Drabæks Mølle
2. Gravhøje


Hotels / Inns
Bramdrupdam Kro og Hotel
Brødremenighedens Hotel
Scandic Kolding

Kolding Sportel
KFUM Sportellet
Danhostel Kolding

Bed and Breakfast
Bondegårdsferie Vejstrupgård

Tour suggestions

T10: Kolding Ådal og Hylkedalen

T11: Vandvejen ved Kolding

T12: Christiansfeld

T14: Drejens Halvø

T15: Elbodalen

T16: Troldhedestien

T17: Kongeådalen

T18: Lillebælt Classic

T19: Østkystruten

See Links section for map. If you need GPX files for GPS, follow the link to the route map and download it from there.

Have a great trip!